Bonjour l’Asile
by Judith Davis
En Compétition 2024
Biography and Filmography

Judith Davis co-founded the theater collective "L'Avantage du doute" with Claire Dumas, Simon Bakhouche, Mélanie Bestel, and Nadir Legrand in 2007. Maxence Tual joined them in 2014. As a group of five, without a leader, they write, perform, and direct shows staged in Paris and on tour. Their latest creation, Encore plus, partout, tout le temps, is still on tour this season. Judith works as an actress in film, television, and theater, but "L'Avantage du doute" remains her main source of inspiration when she decided to write and direct her short film Un grand soir (2015) and her first feature film Tout ce qu'il me reste de la Révolution (2019). Va dans les bois, a short film written and directed in 2022, was a dual commission from the École de la Comédie de Saint-Étienne for the graduating class and the CinéFabrique, where Judith also enjoys teaching. Her second feature film, Bonjour l'Asile, again written specifically for the actors of her collective and still produced by Agat Films and Apsara Films, will be released in 2025.
2024 : Bonjour l'Asile - Judith Davis - Director
2022 : Va dasns les bois - Judith Davis - Director
2019 : Tout ce qu’il me reste de la Révolution - Judith Davis - Director
2015 : Un grand soir - Judith Davis - Director
by Judith Davis

Judith Davis co-founded the theater collective "L'Avantage du doute" with Claire Dumas, Simon Bakhouche, Mélanie Bestel, and Nadir Legrand in 2007. Maxence Tual joined them in 2014. As a group of five, without a leader, they write, perform, and direct shows staged in Paris and on tour. Their latest creation, Encore plus, partout, tout le temps, is still on tour this season. Judith works as an actress in film, television, and theater, but "L'Avantage du doute" remains her main source of inspiration when she decided to write and direct her short film Un grand soir (2015) and her first feature film Tout ce qu'il me reste de la Révolution (2019). Va dans les bois, a short film written and directed in 2022, was a dual commission from the École de la Comédie de Saint-Étienne for the graduating class and the CinéFabrique, where Judith also enjoys teaching. Her second feature film, Bonjour l'Asile, again written specifically for the actors of her collective and still produced by Agat Films and Apsara Films, will be released in 2025.
2024 : Bonjour l'Asile - Judith Davis - Director
2022 : Va dasns les bois - Judith Davis - Director
2019 : Tout ce qu’il me reste de la Révolution - Judith Davis - Director
2015 : Un grand soir - Judith Davis - Director