En Compétition

Compétition Internationale longs métrages

Listen to the Voices Kouté Vwa

by Maxime Jean-Baptiste

Bonjour l’Asile

by Judith Davis

(Y)our Mother Les Miennes

by Samira El Mouzghibati


by Sofie Benoot

Silent Storms Les Tempêtes

by Dania Reymond-Boughenou


by Eva Trobisch

Paradises of Diane Les Paradis de Diane

by Carmen Jaquier | Jan Gassmann

Aimer Perdre

by Lenny Guit | Harpo Guit

Compétition Contrebande

The Roller, The Life, The Fight

by Elettra Bisogno | Hazem Alqaddi

Programme Contrebande n°1

Programme Contrebande n°2

Dreams like paper boat

by Samuel Suffren

The Analogue Tracks

by Florent Meng Lechevallier

Programme Contrebande n°3

Bonus Malus

by Quentin Papapietro

Mouths Les Bouches

by Valentin Merz

Compétition française courts métrages

Programme courts n°1

Amelia Starlight

by Laura Thomassaint

Zizou Xmas Dream

by Marine Malika Plazaz

Programme courts n°2

Paris Tokyo

by Marie Léa Regales | Jean-Mathieu Massoni

Chère Louise

by Rémi Brachet

Programme courts n°3