Women under Algorithms Femmes sous algorithmes
by Gabrielle Stemmer
World Premiere
Rétrospectives and Cartes Blanches 2022
Official synopsis
“According to my YouTube history, which is full of smiling faces of beautiful, slender women with white teeth and white skin, I am either an ultra-organized, minimalist, vegan student, or a forty-year-old housewife, who is continuously pregnant. What does my browsing history say about me? What is the profile the algorithm creates for me?” “Women under Algorithms” investigates, in six episodes, the never-ending spiral of female YouTube.
The programmer’s eye
We can't wait to discover “Women Under Algorithms” by Gabrielle Stemmer, one of the most interesting figures of recent French cinema, both as a director and an editor (especially for the wonderful “Coma” and “Everybody Loves Jeanne”). Her first short film, “Clean with Me (After Dark)”, used YouTube videos to explore the contemporary neuroses - and vertigo - of American housewives. She continued reflecting on the digital world through her encounter with an influencer who played “Second Life” in her film “Bolly, Coco IRL”, and with the mini-series we’re presenting at the FIFIB this year.
Pierre Guidez
Biography and Filmography

An editor and director, Gabrielle Stemmer uses the Internet’s large archive box as a playground and research field. Her work is in line with “Net Found Footage”, and explores female virtual communities on social networks, as well as the new spaces of sociability that are created there. She has notably directed “Clean With Me (After Dark)”, a short documentary film which questions the phenomenon of household videos on YouTube, and “Bollycoco IRL”, a portrait of an avatar in “Second Life”. Her current projects borrow forms of alternative narrations, and are nourished by the interactive fields offered by the Internet. Alongside her personal work, Gabrielle Stemmer is an editor and recently collaborated with Bertrand Bonello (“Coma”) and Céline Devaux (“Everybody Loves Jeanne”).
2020 : WOMEN ON TIK TOK (CM) - Gabrielle Stemmer - Director and Screenwriter
2020 : LE TEST (CM) - Gabrielle Stemmer - Director and Co-Screenwriter
2019 : CLEAN WITH ME (AFTER DARK) (CM) - Gabrielle Stemmer - Director and Screenwriter
DOUG’S THEORY (CM) - Gabrielle Stemmer - Director and Screenwriter
Gabrielle Stemmer, Titiou Lecoq
Haut et Court Doc, Arte France
by Gabrielle Stemmer

An editor and director, Gabrielle Stemmer uses the Internet’s large archive box as a playground and research field. Her work is in line with “Net Found Footage”, and explores female virtual communities on social networks, as well as the new spaces of sociability that are created there. She has notably directed “Clean With Me (After Dark)”, a short documentary film which questions the phenomenon of household videos on YouTube, and “Bollycoco IRL”, a portrait of an avatar in “Second Life”. Her current projects borrow forms of alternative narrations, and are nourished by the interactive fields offered by the Internet. Alongside her personal work, Gabrielle Stemmer is an editor and recently collaborated with Bertrand Bonello (“Coma”) and Céline Devaux (“Everybody Loves Jeanne”).
2020 : WOMEN ON TIK TOK (CM) - Gabrielle Stemmer - Director and Screenwriter
2020 : LE TEST (CM) - Gabrielle Stemmer - Director and Co-Screenwriter
2019 : CLEAN WITH ME (AFTER DARK) (CM) - Gabrielle Stemmer - Director and Screenwriter
DOUG’S THEORY (CM) - Gabrielle Stemmer - Director and Screenwriter