Grande Stellaire
by Alex Pou
Hors compétition 2024
Official synopsis
In the middle of his life, Sharif, an isolated gardener on a countryside estate, takes in a strangely mute being. As time passes, the latter will shift him into a vegetal and phantasmal world.
Biography and Filmography

Alex Pou was born in France. After studying at the ENSBA (École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris), he became an editor and then started making films that aim to reveal the complex relationships between different worlds (human, animal, vegetal) and the situations they generate: solitude, troubled communications, mutations. His stories often borrow from the codes of fairy tales, fables, or the fantastical, placing them in indeterminate temporal spaces. His films are shown in cinemas, festivals, galleries, and art centers. In parallel, he teaches at ESACM (École Supérieure d'Art de Clermont Métropole) and also writes texts about cinema.
2024 : Stellaria - Director - Alex Pou
2023 : Diviser l’enfer - Director - Alex Pou
2018 : Sirius - Director - Alex Pou
2015 : Le milieu du fleuve - Director - Alex Pou
2014 : Histoire de l’ombre (histoire de France) - Director - Alex Pou
2011 : Le nouveau nouveau monde - Director - Alex Pou
2009 : Grand Capricorne - Director - Alex Pou
2008 : La préhistoire - Director - Alex Pou
by Alex Pou

Alex Pou was born in France. After studying at the ENSBA (École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris), he became an editor and then started making films that aim to reveal the complex relationships between different worlds (human, animal, vegetal) and the situations they generate: solitude, troubled communications, mutations. His stories often borrow from the codes of fairy tales, fables, or the fantastical, placing them in indeterminate temporal spaces. His films are shown in cinemas, festivals, galleries, and art centers. In parallel, he teaches at ESACM (École Supérieure d'Art de Clermont Métropole) and also writes texts about cinema.
2024 : Stellaria - Director - Alex Pou
2023 : Diviser l’enfer - Director - Alex Pou
2018 : Sirius - Director - Alex Pou
2015 : Le milieu du fleuve - Director - Alex Pou
2014 : Histoire de l’ombre (histoire de France) - Director - Alex Pou
2011 : Le nouveau nouveau monde - Director - Alex Pou
2009 : Grand Capricorne - Director - Alex Pou
2008 : La préhistoire - Director - Alex Pou