Rétrospectives and Cartes Blanches
Retrospective John Cameron Mitchell
Carte blanche à John Cameron Mitchell
Carte blanche à Anaïs Demoustier
Tonnerre, le ciné-club féministe d'Elvire Duvelle-Charles
Carte blanche à Clotilde Hesme
Carte blanche à Grégoire Colin
Carte blanche à Habibitch
Decolonial art and its theories are embodied in this double program built around the performances of artists Habibitch and Seumboy Vrainom:€. Essential themes are tackled in these videos. “Décoloniser le dancefloor” concentrates on what goes on in-between performances and sheds its light on the celebrations and doubts linked to that specific struggle. As for “Hors-Sol”, it extends the latter to digital spaces with humor and rigor by updating the colonial question from a viral video. (PG)
Carte blanche au FRAC